I am sitting on a Bolt Bus headed for New York. I have finished my last day at my agency. They've already changed my voicemail password! (Yes, I still tried to check my voicemail.) Earlier today, one of my clients cried when she realized it was my last day. We talked about her recent relapse, and people who had recently come into her life unexpectedly. I told her with a confidence I never could have had a year ago that I believed she was on a journey of healing, and that each set back was just a step along the way. I felt close to tears myself afterwards. I hope the same is true for me.
Now I am working on a JavaScript tutorial for my bootcamp, which is fun, but far removed from the stories I've heard over the past three years. I hope I can find ways to touch lives as a programmer, even if I do not want to be "in the trenches" (as my supervisor referred to our job) anymore. My last week this quote was up on my board:
And so, I must remind myself, I have a non-specific, possibly-not-realistic dream of one day being a social worker programmer.
Speaking of which, I did already create a Ruby-based program for ABC thinking! It actually did cheer me up when I was at home sick one day, feeling bad for watching too much tv and eating too much junk food. I am trying to publish it to GitHub. I had figured out how to do that before, and now I can't remember! I thought I had an application, but it seems to have disappeared. Hopefully this forgetting won't be a trend, but I think it will all get easier when it is what I am doing all day long. Too much of my head has been taken up by client's phone numbers, birthdays, diagnoses, children's names, etc. I am excited to be making room up there for something new.
Congrats, Maggie!!!